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Earlier Publications

Articles published in the JICPR earlier to 2003.

Fichte - The Forgotten Philosopher

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XIX Number 4  (October-December 2002), 29-36.

Grammar, Logic and Mathematics: Foundations of the Civilizations Man has Built

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XIX Number 3  (July-September 2002), 65-74.

Sign, sense and Reference : Reflections on Problems in the Philosophy of Language

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XIX Number 2 (April-Juny 2002), 129-138.

Kant's Doctrine of the Categories Some Reflections and Problems

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XVIII Number 4  (October-December 2001), 1-11.

How Anekāntika is Anekānta Some Reflactions on the Jain Theory of Anekāntavāda

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XVI Number 2  (January-April 1999), 121-128.

Was Acarya Śaṁkara Responsible for the Disappearance of Buddhist Philosophy from India

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XVII Number 1  (September-December 1999), 127-130.

Was Acarya Śaṁkara Responsible for the Disappearance of Buddhist Philosophy from India

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XVII Number 1  (September-December 1999), 127-130.

The Myth of the Prasthāna Trayī

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XVI Number 1  (September-December 1998), 85-91.

Vedānta in the First Millennium AD: the Case Study of Retrospective Illusion Imposed by the Historiography of Indian Philosophy

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research - Special Edition, 1996: Historiography of Civilizations, editors D.P. Chatopadhyaya and Daya Krishna

Indian Philosophy in the First Millenium AD: Fact and Fiction

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XIII Number 3 (May-August 1996), 128-135.

Potter's New Bibliography of Indian Philosophy: One Step Forwards and Three Steps Backwards

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XIII Number 3 (May-August 1996), 162-168.

Thinking vs Thought: Strategies for Conceptual Creativity

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. V Number 2  (January-April 1988), 47-57.

The Vedic Corpus: Some Questions 

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. III Number 1 Autumn, 1985, 101-128.

Indian Philosophy and Mokṣa: Revisiting an Old Controversy

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. II Number 2  Autumn, 1984, 49-67.

Knowledge, Reason and Human Autonomy: a Review Article

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. II Number 2  Autumn, 1984, 49-67.

The Upanishads - What Are They?

The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. I Number 1  Autumn, 1983, 71-82.

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