Link to a NEW ARCHIVE which consists of ALL the issues of the JICPR edited by D.P. Chattopadhyaya and Daya Krishna, from Vol. 1.1 (1983) to Vol. 23.2 (2006), including Author and Subject Index
Earlier Publications
Articles published in the JICPR earlier to 2003.
Fichte - The Forgotten Philosopher
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XIX Number 4 (October-December 2002), 29-36.
Grammar, Logic and Mathematics: Foundations of the Civilizations Man has Built
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XIX Number 3 (July-September 2002), 65-74.
Sign, sense and Reference : Reflections on Problems in the Philosophy of Language
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XIX Number 2 (April-Juny 2002), 129-138.
Kant's Doctrine of the Categories Some Reflections and Problems
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XVIII Number 4 (October-December 2001), 1-11.
How Anekāntika is Anekānta Some Reflactions on the Jain Theory of Anekāntavāda
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XVI Number 2 (January-April 1999), 121-128.
Was Acarya Śaṁkara Responsible for the Disappearance of Buddhist Philosophy from India
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XVII Number 1 (September-December 1999), 127-130.
Was Acarya Śaṁkara Responsible for the Disappearance of Buddhist Philosophy from India
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XVII Number 1 (September-December 1999), 127-130.
The Myth of the Prasthāna Trayī
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XVI Number 1 (September-December 1998), 85-91.
Vedānta in the First Millennium AD: the Case Study of Retrospective Illusion Imposed by the Historiography of Indian Philosophy
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research - Special Edition, 1996: Historiography of Civilizations, editors D.P. Chatopadhyaya and Daya Krishna
Indian Philosophy in the First Millenium AD: Fact and Fiction
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XIII Number 3 (May-August 1996), 128-135.
Potter's New Bibliography of Indian Philosophy: One Step Forwards and Three Steps Backwards
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. XIII Number 3 (May-August 1996), 162-168.
Thinking vs Thought: Strategies for Conceptual Creativity
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. V Number 2 (January-April 1988), 47-57.
The Vedic Corpus: Some Questions
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. III Number 1 Autumn, 1985, 101-128.
Indian Philosophy and Mokṣa: Revisiting an Old Controversy
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. II Number 2 Autumn, 1984, 49-67.
Knowledge, Reason and Human Autonomy: a Review Article
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. II Number 2 Autumn, 1984, 49-67.
The Upanishads - What Are They?
The Journal of Indian council of philosophical research, Vol. I Number 1 Autumn, 1983, 71-82.